Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Back in the swing of things

Max had his first doctor's appointment today, and behaved very well! He is really easy going so far, and was awake and alert for his exam. He's back up to 9 lbs. 5 oz. already! He was 8 lbs. 15 oz. when we left the hospital. He's a hungry kid!

Liam went back to daycare today, and was super excited to see his friends. He told Miss Jodee and his friend Lily all about how his baby "was squeaking!" He was excited to tell his teacher all about the baby as well. We don't have any pictures printed up yet, but I want to try and get one for him to take in with him tomorrow. I was anticipating that he might have a hard time when I had to leave today, but he was fine and waved bye to me! Aaron picked him up this afternoon and is taking him to the library and sanctuary. I'm sure he'll have a great time.

It's been so great having Aaron home with me. I had a really hard time after Liam was born, but it makes a huge difference knowing that he's going to be here for these first few weeks. I've been able to nap if I need to, and having an extra set of hands is really reassuring for me. Max is sleeping pretty well for only being 6 days old, though. He slept from midnight until around 4am and then again from about 5am-7am. I felt great this morning, but took a nap this afternoon just because I could!

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