Monday, November 16, 2009

On Health...

I'm playing catch-up this week after spending some time in Milwaukee last week with my family. My grandpa (my dad's dad) was diagnosed with a brain tumor recently, and he was transported to Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee for surgery. They removed the tumor successfully last Wednesday and he was sent home on Friday! They'd anticipated he'd need some physical therapy post-surgery, but he was walking around unaided and had no need for any therapy at all! We are waiting to hear the results of the pathology tests on the tumor to see how his treatment will proceed.

Aside from the tumor (as if that's not enough to deal with on its own!), the doctors discovered that he has aortic stenosis and will need open heart surgery as soon as he recovers from this surgery. He meets with his cardiologist soon to discuss all of this.

Needless to say, we've all been pretty stressed out lately! I'm trying to arrange my class schedule so that I can be home with the boys for the entire week next week. I think I need it, and the kids always cheer everyone up!

So, posting may be a bit erratic, but I'll do my best!! Please keep my grandparents in your prayers! My grandma was diagnosed with H1N1 while my grandpa was still in the hospital...she's ok...but that's a whole other story...!

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