Monday, June 14, 2010

Off Limits

Liam is transitioning to his new upstairs room pretty well. He's been quite busy up there at night when he's supposed to be going to sleep, though. We hear him banging around up there and have to go and see what he's up to.

The first night he slept up there I went to check on him at least four times. The fifth time I went up I couldn't find him. He wasn't in his bed. He wasn't hiding by the bookshelf. He wasn't hiding anywhere that I could see. I didn't think he'd snuck by me downstairs at all, so I was confused. Then I noticed that the door to the storage closet was open a bit. The light also seemed to be on in there. Interesting, since I had explicitly told my firstborn that he was not to ever go in the storage closet. We don't keep rattlesnakes or poison ivy in there, but it's well organized thanks to my OCD tendencies and I didn't want him messing things up or breaking things.

I needn't have worried. He messed things up and almost broke his neck. I opened the door and caught him climbing up a makeshift "staircase" he'd constructed out of boxes. He was balancing precariously atop his tower (topped with two down comforters) when I peeked my head in. I stared at him and he stared back at me with a very "oooooh, crap" expression.

We stared for a good 30 seconds before I slowly said "What. Are. You. Doing." His response was barely audible, but I gathered that he had constructed this tower to reach the Easter baskets hanging on the wall. He had a great need to see what was inside of the baskets before retiring for the evening. It was exasperating, but also really cute. He's so excited about his room and has been "exploring" it for days. I wasn't too hard on him, but he now knows that any more shenanigans in the closet won't be favorably received by the management.

I love this kid.


  1. Haha...I love the mental picture of the staredown between the two of you. Maybe he was just trying to give you a spectacular opportunity to sort through everything in the closet as you put it away and evaluate whether you really need everything in there? :P (Oh wait, maybe I'm just projecting because my apartment is a disaster and I seriously need to go through and chuck a bunch of stuff but can't find the energy.)

  2. Management may need to get a lock for that door! :)


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