Friday, July 23, 2010

The Teddy Bear Picnic

I took the boys to the library a few days ago for the "Teddy Bear Picnic." We brought our teddy bears and read books about them, sang songs about them, did dances with them and then ate them. Well, we ate teddy graham crackers. The boys were excited to be there, and right after I snapped this picture Liam went to sit nicely on the reading rug while Max ran off to tear apart the meticulously organized bookshelves. Liam listened to the storyteller and participated in all the activities. Max screamed, wriggled away and ran amok. I chased him, gave him his teddy bear and tried to get him to listen to the song. He threw his bear on the ground, arched his back and ran away. I was sweating by the time the event was over, but it seemed like Liam had a good time so it was worth it! It was nearing Max's naptime, so some of his craziness was to be expected, but I'm hoping his behavior improves next time. If obedience school.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, yes. We've learned this as well.

    Toddler + Library = Headache

    You, however, get an A for effort! :)


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