Monday, February 14, 2011


I've felt very uninspired to blog lately. I haven't had time or motivation to take many pictures and days fly by before I even realize that my last post was forever ago. Between the boys, the house, work and school there hasn't been time for much else. I've also been fighting overwhelming fatigue many days and end up going to bed early most nights. Everything is fine and most days are great, but I often fall into bed and into a deep sleep quickly.

We went up north for a visit this weekend and had fun seeing Auntie Kimmy and grandmas and grandpas. It's frustrating for me when we do go up north because Max never sleeps well. He always wakes up in the night and refuses to go back to sleep. I usually end up bringing him into bed with me and then he won't go to sleep and keeps us both up. I wish he'd figure out the whole sleep thing. He sleeps better at home, but still has nights when he's up and has trouble falling back to sleep. We had a fun time though, roasting hot dogs over a fire on the sled hill and sledding with Liam! Max lasted quite awhile digging in the snow before having a breakdown over not being able to walk well through the drifts. It was a good visit.

And today I am off to have a root canal.
These are words that do not apply to the root canal experience...

1 comment:

  1. It has indeed been a looooonnng winter!

    Hope your root canal went well--as root canals go.


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