Sunday, August 21, 2011

ER Adventure

Poor Liam had a bad belly ache last night and had to go to the ER. Aaron called me at work and I was able to run over and meet them at the hospital. Liam was very good, but looked so sad in his little hospital bed. He barely talked and just watched TV and moaned occassionally. They took him down for an x-ray, where he puked on the table, and then the doctor came in and said he was pretty blocked up and would need some help getting cleared out. He was soon remedied and chatting happily with the nurses. "My brother Max and I have bunk beds now!" he told one. "I get to sleep on the bottom bunk tonight because my brother is sleeping at my Grandma Meg's house!" He was a completely different kid! So, long story short, he's fine. And goofier than ever!

1 comment:

  1. Phew, glad to hear he's okay! That must have been super scary for you and Aaron though!


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