Tuesday, September 13, 2011

10 Things...

Ok, so my friend Sarah has tagged me and I am now forced to list ten random things about myself! Here goes:

1. I got engaged 6 weeks after meeting Aaron.

2. I once kept a butterfly as a "pet" in a cage and tried to keep it alive with sugar water. It...didn't work.

3. I used to have a "tail collection" courtesy of my hunter father. It was comprised of squirrel and partridge tails that I kept in our back porch. I brought it to school for show and tell once...my teacher was a little taken aback.

4. I once slid down a huge sand dune on a wooden board during a mission trip to Brazil.

5. My mom french braided my hair every day until 8th grade. Yes, 8TH GRADE.

6. I made my friend cry after a Christmas Sing program by telling him he played the recorder badly.

7. I can't remember the plots of most movies and books. Not like years afterward...hours afterward. I think it's because I get so into the story that it doesn't stick in my long term memory. Or something.

8. I lied every Christmas morning and told my parents I'd seen Santa. They never really seemed to believe me.

9. I have a vivid memory of a huge doll we used to have as kids standing up and walking at the foot of my bed while I tried to go to sleep. I'm still pretty sure that actually happened...!

10. I am a terrible cook. I messed up Hamburger Helper once in college.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, so happy to took up the challenge! Sorry it took me so long to comment, I don't go on the internet that much these days. #3 had me laughing so hard I almost spit my coffee. :)


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