Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Note from Liam

Aaron's cousin Kassie passed away last week after a long struggle with heart problems. Her funeral was yesterday and we brought the boys along for the service. They were pretty good and asked some good questions about funerals and death. Liam was very curious about the burial and convinced Aaron to take him even though we hadn't planned on going! This morning Liam came into our room and had a card he had made for Aaron while trying to fall asleep last night! It had a picture of Kassie inside and he had written "This is Casee." On the front he wrote (with NO help) "Deer Dad I now you mas Casee bot dot wooree uool bee wath hoor soon. From Liam"


  1. Wow, impressive writing, but also vaguely sinister...

  2. Beautiful! Sometimes, kids can see things better than we can.


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