Friday, September 7, 2012


I like to talk to both boys about what they did during the day at school and daycare. I try to be really specific and get them to think about how they felt, what they ate, who they played with and what their favorite part of the day was. Tonight, Liam was telling me about playing "Red Light, Green Light" at recess. He said it was a different kind of game than we usually play at home and then his eyes got really sad and teary.

"I didn't get a turn," he said quietly.

I asked him why he didn't get a turn and he explained that this was a game where one person turns around and you have to run towards them. When they turn to face you, you have to stop. And the kids who were winning were sneaking further ahead when the teacher wasn't looking.

"So, you didn't get a turn because you were following the rules and not cheating?" I asked.

He said yes and then I got teary. Here is this sweet boy, following the rules because he knows it is the right thing to do, and learning the hard way that by doing so he might miss out on something that looks like fun. It was a great teachable moment that I couldn't have dreamed up myself. We talked about how sometimes doing the right thing is really hard because it seems like it's not very fun, but that it feels good to know that you made the right choice and can be happy with yourself. I told him I was so proud of him, and then he started to look proud of himself, too.


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