Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fire Safety Week

The fire department had the "smoke house" at Liam's school today for Fire Safety Week, and he was SO excited! After school he said he told the firefighters that his mom is a 911 dispatcher! They told him about how the dispatcher calls the fire department and sends them out to fight fires. You could tell Liam was putting the pieces of what I do together in his head. It was adorable to hear him talk about it!

He also got a big bag of fire safety stuff that he has been poring over all night. He just came upstairs crying inconsolably because he dropped his "junior fire fighter" badge sticker behind his bed. I assured him that we would pull his bed out in the morning and find it. It just made me think about how small things are so important to little kids, and that I want to make sure I encourage whatever interests he has, no matter how small or unimportant they might seem.

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