Monday, November 12, 2012

Bells Will Be Ringing...

We rang bells at the Big Red Kettle tonight! The boys did very well and made sure to say "thank you" and "Merry Christmas" to everyone. We had a 1 hour slot, which turned out to be just the right amount of time.
Liam likes wearing the apron and the Santa hat, Max...not so much. Liam rang the bell for most of the time we were there. Max...rolled around on the floor, did ninja moves whilst ringing the bell and laid partially under a loveseat in the middle of the mall. And you know what? I let him. He wasn't hurting anyone, and he was being pretty good despite spending the majority of his time on or near the floor. He was right next to us and just couldn't stand to be doing one thing (ringing bells) for a whole hour. Aaron did have to take him on a walk once, but he really was not that bad.

Max told me all about a game he made up that he was practicing while we rang bells. It involved jumping on the loveseat, falling on the floor, running around in a circle, tackling, lying half under the loveseat...and I'm sure there were some other rules I'm forgetting. It was cute. He has an incredibly big imagination, but he uses it differently than Liam does. He experiences things much more physically than Liam does, and I need to just let him be Max. Most of the time...!

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