Friday, April 25, 2014

Max' First Field Trip

I took the day off from work to take Max on his first school field trip! We went to the Wildlife Sanctuary for the afternoon, hiked the trails and went on a nature scavenger hunt.
The naturalists brought out an opossum to show the kids. Max especially liked finding out that opossum's play dead when they are afraid, and poop to scare off prey. :)

There was a group of kids and parents from Aldo Leopold School and two other groups from the YWCA, so quite a large group! Max and his friends kept running ahead together and finding things on their scavenger hunt list. He was so excited to see his classmates!

He and his friends Isaac and Cole were buddies for most of the hike.

Several times during the hike, Max's "legs were SO tired," so we stopped and took some breathers!

Isaac and Max

Max, Isaac and Konj Chenj

Max and his friends throwing corn to the geese.

Max got to choose a few souvenirs from the gift shop. He decided on an insect coloring book, a butterfly and moth field guide, and two bags of marbles. One bag of marbles he insisted he needed to get for Liam. He took a long time deciding what kind of marbles to get, and finally settled on ones with a wolf on the front because "Liam likes hunting." He's such a sweet brother and always thinks of Liam first.

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