Thursday, December 11, 2014

Cub and Cubmaster

Liam is a Cub Scout this year! Aaron volunteered to be the Cubmaster for the Pack and leads monthly Pack meetings. I am the Pack secretary! We have had a lot of fun with scouting so far this year, and it's so great to be able to do this as a family (Max goes to meetings, too!). 

Liam participated in the "Raingutter Regatta" a few weeks ago and did really well! He didn't win (which resulted in lots of tears), but he and his friends had fun building their boats and racing them!

Liam, very focused, racing against his friend Owen.

He won this heat!

Liam and his friends, Joey and Justin.

They are pretty good buddies and are always together!

I love seeing Aaron lead these kids. He is an Eagle Scout and had a wonderful Scoutmaster named Jerry Tilton, who instilled some great lessons in him. He felt Jerry prodding him to volunteer to be Cubmaster during the very first meeting we attended. When Aaron was a scout, at the end of every meeting, Jerry would have the kids cross their arms and hold hands in a circle like this. Jerry would say, "And now, may the Scoutmaster of all scouts be with us until we meet again," and that is how Aaron ends each Pack meeting. Jerry passed away last year, but he is very present in Aaron as he reaches the next generation of scouts.

So proud of my scouts! And they both look pretty handsome in their uniforms!

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