Wednesday, April 15, 2009

34 Weeks!

We had our 34 week appointment with Dr. Chun today. From here on out I will have weekly appointments! I can't believe I'm already this far along! Dr. Chun was in fine form today and spent a long time talking with Liam and interacting with him. She gave him a cupcake leftover from an office party while I was peeing in a cup! He said "thank you" and she commented on his manners and how smart he already is. She asked him a lot about the baby and being a big brother. I have always liked Dr. Chun, but it really meant a lot that she was willing to spend that extra time making Liam comfortable and just giving him some attention. Liam told her that his brother's name is Max and she reacted very excitedly and said that Max is her most favorite name! It was cute.

We talked a bit about Liam's birth and caught her up on it all since she wasn't the doctor to deliver him. She said I'm not measuring bigger than 34 weeks, so the baby seems to be a normal size so far. She did ask how late Liam was, and when I said he was only two days late she seemed to rethink her care plan for me a bit. We had no idea Liam would be that big, and she said that going to my due date again could be risky. She is going to start checking me beginning at 38 weeks, and will induce me if my body seems ready. She talked about the reality of an induction about a week early (at 39 weeks) if things go as planned. So, Max could be here around his Daddy's birthday at the earliest! I still think on or around May 20th is more likely. Either way, we'll have another son in a little over a month! We are very anxious to meet him!

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