Monday, April 20, 2009

I'm so tired

Liam slept at Grandpa Ron and Grandma Meg's on Saturday night. He woke up really early and ended up sleeping with them in their bed until morning, but he was still pretty tired and cranky for most of the day. Aaron picked him up while I went out to brunch with a friend. They took a trip to the pet store and then headed home. Aaron said that Liam was so tired that his eyes were slowly closing and his head was nodding away as they drove. He tried to keep him awake by talking to him, which usually works.

Liam said "I'm just going to take a little rest, ok Dad?"

Aaron said he laughed to himself and told him "Ok."

He let him nod off for a minute and then tried waking him up again. This kid must have really been tired because he said,

"I'm so tired. I'm going to just take a little nap for a minute, ok Dad?"

Hahahaha. Poor kid. So sweet and so hilarious.

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