Friday, October 16, 2009

Liam's Christmas List

I recently asked Liam what he would like for Christmas. Last year he told us he wanted a "big, big truck", which Santa then delivered to Grammy Pammy's house. And there the truck remains...I shudder to think of actually bringing it home with us next time. For some reason an oversized dumptruck in our 700 square foot house doesn't sound appealing.

This year Liam said he would like "a big, big dinosaur that says ROAR!" I know exactly which dinosaur he has in mind, but the elves will be way too busy to make it this year! This dinosaur is at least two feet tall with red glowing eyes and an animatronic body. He does indeed say "ROAR", and I will make similar sounds if this creature enters our home. That's not to say he won't get a dinosaur, just not this one.

I steered his thoughts toward other ideas for presents he might have.

"What else would you like for Christmas?" I asked.

He thought for a minute before saying, "spears."

"Spears?" I asked, "What do you want spears for?"

"For Christmas!" he answered.

Ah, duly noted.

1 comment:

  1. It would have been better if he'd said "For Christmas. Clearly." :D


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