Friday, April 30, 2010


Liam is pretty athletically inclined, and is usually game for any kind of sport. He's much more coordinated than Aaron or I have ever been, so I foresee some kind of team sports in his future. Whatever he's interested in trying. Right now that includes baseball, soccer, basketball, frisbee, golf, and his own game which he calls "chase". To play the latter you simply chase after him while he runs screeching around the yard. Then he chases you, then you chase him...until you're both out of breath and lying on the ground.

Here, Liam is combining some of his favorite sports: basketball, soccer and...a bike helmet. Hey, this could catch on. Let's call it "Helmet Socketball".

1 comment:

  1. Helmet socketball! I love that game! Might want to get Max a helmet for when Liam decides his little brother really wanted the socketball thrown to him. ;)


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