Monday, May 3, 2010

Angel Band

I'm recovering from a long weekend of CNA class. It's nice to be back at home with the boys again. I feel like I haven't seen them in days!

Aaron kept the boys busy (or vise versa...) helping with a rummage sale that Justin and Anne organized for Saturday and visiting with grandma and grandpa on Sunday. Aaron's grandma Lorraine, who has been dealing with the affects of Alzheimer's Disease for seven years or so, isn't doing well and has been placed on hospice. She is in the last stages of the disease and they are just trying to keep her comfortable. Aaron was able to go and see her yesterday and has been thinking about her a lot over the past few days. He posted this on his facebook yesterday:

This is my favorite song from "O Brother, Where Art Thou?". I've been singing it to myself a lot recently. If you can, please spare a prayer for my grandmother, whose struggle with Alzheimer's may finally be reaching its end.

The latest sun is sinking fast, my race is nearly run
My strongest trials now are past, my triumph is begun
O come Angel Band, come & around me stand
O bear me away on your snowy wings to my immortal home
O bear me away on your snowy wings to my immortal home
I know I'm near the holy ranks of friends & kindred dear
I've brushed the dew on Jordan's banks, the crossing must be near
I've almost gained my Heavenly home, my spirit loudly sings
The Holy ones, behold they come, I hear the noise of wings
O bear my longing heart to Him who bled & died for me
Whose blood now cleanses from all sin & gives me victory

We were talking about things last night and I mentioned how even though I didn't get to meet most of Aaron's grandparents, they were an integral part of my relationship with Aaron. He told me about the day his Grandma Pat died on the first day we met. We were driving home from a graduation party and he described how the sky turned a brilliant shade of purple that day as he looked up and thought of her. Grandma Lorraine had been dealing with Alzheimer's for awhile before Aaron and I met, and we talked about how hard that was just days after meeting. I like to think all of them had a hand in bringing us together...


  1. I will pray for your Grandmother today. We have had Alzheimer's in our family as well. May God be with you as you work to share His warmth and love with her.

    p.s. Oh, Brother is one of my favorite movies. We even have the soundtrack!

  2. Thank you so much, Jen. "Down By the River to Pray" is one of my favorites.


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