Wednesday, September 22, 2010

London Calling

I studied abroad in London during college and it was one of the best experiences of my life. I will always be a part of that city, and it's been hard to be away for the past six years. In one sense it doesn't feel like that long ago, but in another it feels like it's light years away. I met Aaron the spring after I got back and we've been busy getting married, having kids and keeping our household running ever since. I think about London almost every day...but going back hasn't been realistic until recently.

My sister Sarah is studying abroad this semester in the same great city and I've just come to realize that I need to go. I love this city. It's a part of me and my experiences there really shaped me as a person. It's a huge expense, but one that I would regret talking myself out of later. I spent two weeks in Europe with my sister Kimberly the year I studied abroad and the memories we have of that trip are priceless. I want to be able to have memories like that with Sarah, and this is the time to make them.

Can't wait to see you, Sis!
Can't wait to be back, London!


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