Wednesday, September 8, 2010


After we dropped Liam off at school yesterday, Max and I had some time alone together. It's rare that he is away from his brother, so he kept asking where Liam was at first and then settled in to being the center of my attention.

"I'm never going to school mom! I will stay home and play blocks with you all day long!"

School is only for two hours, but it's great for Liam to be with other kids again and for me to spend some time with my baby!

P.S. Max can now say his own name, only it sounds more like "Sasswell." Hmmm...maybe we tell him he's sassy so much that now he thinks it's his name...?

1 comment:

  1. Your kids are so cute. :) But it's so easy to forget from pictures that Liam is only 3!


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