Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I feel like a new person today! Max slept from 8:00pm - 4:00am! I don't think it's a sure thing every night now, but it's nice to know he can finally do it. Maybe he'll surprise us and start sleeping through more often!

In other news, I want to record some recent Liam-isms for posterity:

Every morning I sign Liam in on the sheet at daycare. The sign-in sheet and a few other information sheets are on a small podium in the foyer of the building. There are visible nails in the corners of the podium, and Liam has taken a great interest in them (since he loves all things having to do with tools now). Every morning Liam touches the nails and says this exact sentence:

"Miss Jodee just bammed these in so it won't fall."

Every morning. It is hilarious. All hammers BAM the nails in according to Liam.

He is also very into telling funny stories. He usually asks for a funny story at night now instead of a song. We oblige him once, but still sing songs. My mom used to make up stories for us when we were little and she called them "Miranda Sue" stories. Miranda Sue has a horse, Libby, and a dog, Spookers. We have talked about publishing these stories some day, but for now she's just sharing them with Liam! Anyway, grandma tells Miranda Sue stories and then Liam tells his own. He always wants me to tell him a funny story in the car, so I'll tell one and then he'll tell one. This morning his story went like this:

"One day, Miranda Sue (this is the formula for the Miranda Sue story. They cannot start any other way!) saw a bear. The bear was dery (very) mean. Then Daddy came with his lightsaber (not making this up!) and got him. The end."

Liam also sings a song about going on a bear hunt at daycare. He enjoys our laughing as he repeats:

"Let's go on a bear hunt! Into the cave. There are two big eyes! And a big furrrrry body! Ooooo, let's take a puh-puh-puh-piiiiiicture!"

I am going to try and capture that one on video. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. SOOO cute! Isn't having a 2 year old the best? So much fun and so very entertaining! Love the blog.



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