Friday, September 25, 2009


I apologize for the lapse in posting! We are all sick at our house, and one of us is teething. I'll let you take a wild guess as to who that might be! For some reason this week has been the longest on record for me, and it's still not technically over yet! I've got an entire afternoon to live through!

You know it's going to be a long week when you arrive home after work and school on Monday and can't stay awake to watch HGTV. I will let you come to your own conclusion as to whether this is an accurate description of me or of Aaron.

This promises to be a great weekend, if it ever arrives! My parents will arrive later this evening, and my sister Kimberly got in late last night (and woke up at 5am to play with Liam). Liam now turns on his light when he wakes up and comes out of his room. Aaron found him sitting on the bench at the kitchen table playing with a cat toy the other morning! At 5:30am. I'm not liking this new development, but it is actually entirely my fault.

I usually jump in the shower while both boys are still asleep and then go in and get them when I'm finished. I guess Liam woke up while I was in the shower the other morning and was calling for me. He usually says, "Mommy!" a few times and I come to get him. Well, I didn't hear him that morning (which really hasn't been a problem in the past) and he started to cry. I ran in to see what was wrong when I got out of the shower, and he finally told me that he thought I had left him! It was the saddest of sad moments. I hugged him and told him that if he ever gets worried about where his mom and dad are, he can just open his door and come and find us.

See? I told you it was my fault! But, would you have honestly said anything different when faced with an adorable almost 3 year old thinking you've abandoned him? I thought not!

1 comment:

  1. Gee, I'm sorry to hear that Aaron is teething--I hope he doesn't cry too much! :P But I hope you all feel better soon!


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