Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Liam has a pretty set bedtime routine. He takes a bath, puts on his pajamas and brushes his teeth. Then he dances around in the living room and remains fixated on whatever is on the TV for about 5 minutes (FYI this is not an official part of the routine). We read a few books and then settle in to say our prayers. After prayers are songs, and after songs it's bedtime. It sounds time-consuming, but we don't mind it and it usually only takes about 20 minutes or so.

Anyway, Liam usually requests the same songs from both Aaron and me each night for two or three months straight. Awhile ago it was "The Rainbow Connection" from Dad and "Jesus Loves Me" from Mom. Now it's "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" ("and can you rub my back?") from Mom every night and "Hi-Ho!" from Dad. He thinks "Hi-Ho!" is the most hilarious song ever and even tries to do the whistle himself. Last night he kind of overlapped his prayer and song time a bit. It went something like this:

Now I lay me down to sleep...HI-HOOOOO!
I pray the Lord my soul to keep....Hiiiiii-HO!
Guide me safely through the night....Hi-HO!
And wake me with the morning light....Hi-HO!

He keeps God on his toes.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT!! So cute, I love when they sing, it just melts my heart. Don't you agree?


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