Your eyes and your ability to be silly/make me laugh.
2. If you weren't a teacher, what would you want to be?
A writer
3. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I very badly would like to see London with my wife.
4. What is your favorite memory from childhood?
I think my favorite memory is of when my father quit smoking in order to ease my fears about him dying from smoking.
Adulthood? Our wedding day and the boys’ birthdays.
Adulthood? Our wedding day and the boys’ birthdays.
5. What is your favorite color?
6. What is your favorite food?
7. Should we have any more kids?
Ummmmm . . . . . . . .
8. Why do you think we make a good couple?
We make a good couple because we show so much respect for each other. We also compliment each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
9. Why don't you kill spiders when I scream and ask you to?
Spiders are God’s creatures and deserve better. They eat yucky bugs. Also, you can kill them yourself.
*I do kill spiders by myself, but I like to give him a chance to be chivalrous, you know...?*
10. What is your favorite thing we do together?
I love taking long drives with just you. We have fantastic conversations.
11. What are your hopes for our kids?
My hopes for our kids are boundless.
12. Would you rather eat a live worm or watch Golan-Globus' Snow White with me?
I’d rather eat two worms than watch Snow White.
*This version of Snow White is the best ever made. My sister and I love it to death. Aaron...not so much. Although he did watch it with me...once.*
13. What is your favorite tv show?
It’s a Wonderful Life
14. Do you wish I cooked more?
No, but I wish we cooked more.
15. What three words would you use to describe yourself?
Compassionate, Inquisitive, and Flatulent
16. Do you believe in God?
I have seen too much, felt too much, and loved too much to think otherwise.
17. Are you liberal or conservative?
We’ll never get anywhere by doing things the same way all the time. Likewise we’ve got to preserve the ideals and morals that have made our country what it is.
18. What were your plans in life before you met me?
I was considering a career as a traveling teacher in Alaska.
19. What are you afraid of?
The dark, snakes, terrorists, unemployment, etc.
*I would kill a snake for you, honey...*
20. What is my most embarrassing moment?
“Are you in Band?” “Yes.” “What instrument do you play?” “I don’t know.”
*I may have the slightest little bad habit of answering when I didn't really hear the entire question. I may have had this little exchange while mini golfing with a guy I had a huge crush on. Hey, he still dated me...I do not know why.*
21. What's your favorite stupid thing I've said?
I believe that would be when you called me “Garbage Dust Patch” instead of Pigpen.
*Sometimes I forget the actual names for things and just make names up instead...*
22. What is your favorite song?
At the moment, it is probably “Tomorrow Comes a Day Too Soon” by Flogging Molly.
I’ve never heard a better expression about what hope is really about.
23. Question and answer omitted by blog author. Some things you all just don't need to know! ;)
24. What is your earliest memory?
I remember that I was swimming with a bunch of other people. We were having some sort of race . . . I think I won.
25. Who is your favorite relative?
The ones who read your blog.
26. Why do you pile things on top of the fridge?
The fridge is at my eye-level, and I spend a lot of time there.
*I clean off the top of the fridge every week. Every week the pile grows...*
27. Do these questions make you uncomfortable?
No, but the chair I’m sitting in does.
28. How many times do you think about me during the day?
3.14159 times
29. What's your least favorite thing about me?
You ask too many questions.
30. What quality do you admire in yourself?
My ability to remember absolutely pointless information that has no business being in my brain.
31. Who is your favorite historical figure and why?
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain. He saved the Union flank at Gettysburg and went on to accept Lee’s surrender at Appomattox Courthouse. After the Civil War he became Maine’s governor four times over and the president of Boudoin College.
*It makes me tingly when he talks about history...*
32. Who is/was the most influential person in your life?
Liam and Max. Everything I do and every decision I make is done with them in mind.
33. Do you like Bill Cosby?
*This may or may not be an inside joke.*
34. What is your favorite memory from when we were dating (for 6 weeks) or engaged (for one year)?
I’d have to say that my favorite memory was of the day that I proposed. The whole day was as perfect as I could have hoped for.
*Yes, we got engaged after 6 weeks!*
35. What did you think of my family when you first met them?
Whew. Thank God she doesn’t have a weird family.
36. What's your favorite food that I make?
Homemade pizza
37. Why did you decide to become an Eagle Scout?
It was a position of honor that very few scouts ever attain. It was a brass ring that was dangled before me that I knew I could reach.
38. Does it make you tingly when I say things like "Iron Brigade" or "multi-melta" or "I just got my new Space Marines codex"?
Yes. It means that you actually pay attention to the things that I do.
Yes. It means that you actually pay attention to the things that I do.
39. What have you learned from me?
More than I could write in here.
40. Are you a pessimist or an optimist?
I’m a realist. The glass is not half-full or half-empty, it just is. Drink it and be happy you have some.
*I am an eternal optimist and constantly try to convert him!*
41. If I bought you a long-sleeved white t-shirt would you wear it?
No. Maybe. Probably. No.
*He had a dream once that I made him buy one. I think there is some kind of hidden meaning behind it...*
42. Do you think I will be a good nurse?
No. I know you will be a good nurse.
43. Why do you have to be doing something else while watching movies with me?
I honestly don’t know. It’s always been that way. I have to be doing something when there is a movie on.
*Drives me insane.*
44. What do you think heaven is like?
I’m not sure, but I’m willing to bet that I won’t be able to hunt or fish there.
45. What is your favorite quote?
“All that glitters is not gold. All who wander are not lost.” - JRR Tolkien
46. Why do you like Star Wars?
What’s not to like? Robots? Check. Lasers? Check. Cool villain? Check. Spaceships? Check. Wookies? You betcha.
47. What is your favorite story from the Civil War?
The Jenny Wade love/death triangle. Look it up.
48. When did you decide to ask me to marry you?
May 19th of 2004. It just took a few weeks to work up the nerve.
*Note: we met May 14th, 2004.*
49. Are you happy?
I will be in about two hours.
*He was coming home in two hours.*
50. Will you buy me a Land Raider Crusader?
I will, but I’d advise you to get the Land Raider Redeemer instead. It would be far more effective against enemy infantry.
I love you!
All of my love,
I love you!
All of my love,
*I love you too, honey!*
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