Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Good Job, Mom!

Liam has been very interested in drawing and coloring again lately, after taking a short break from artistic pursuits in favor of hitting a large rubber ball with a big plastic bat. Repeatedly.

He received a giant bible story coloring book from Auntie Sarah as a baptism gift. He loves nothing more than to take a big handful of pages (this thing is like 800 pages long) and flip through (very dextrously, I might add) each individual page until he finds the one he wants.

Unfortunately, he is very much in love with the story of Jonah and the whale (he's a budding outdoorsman and loves the big fish!). He forgets that he's already colored the one picture of Jonah and the whale that was in said coloring book and continues to search for it. Through all 800 pages. Such a patient kid. He didn't even throw a fit when I reminded him for the fourth time that he'd already colored the Jonah picture and sent it to Grammy Pammy for inclusion on her Refrigerator Door of Fame.

We were coloring last night after I got home from class, and Liam was knee-deep in a self-pity party over not staying exactly in the lines as he colored (not something you'd expect from one of my kids, right?!). Anyway, I assured him that he was doing really great and to keep coloring. He would color for a minute and then stop and lament his "sub-par" coloring skills. If he's this hard on himself at just shy of 3 years old, I can't imagine how closely he'll resemble his OCD mother as an adult!

What was adorable about all of this wasn't just the fact that he was even worried about staying in the lines, it was his sincere admiration of my master coloring skills and his deep appreciation of my ability to stay in the lines. He would stop coloring to check out what I had done and say, "Oh, GOOD JOB, MOM! That looks so nice!"

1 comment:

  1. Such great narration skills you have as well,love this post because this is my oldest son as well!! Glad to know that he is not alone in his OCD. :)


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